Custom made hemp harvesting machines
Hemp harvest equipment for CBD and fiber hemp. Harvesting hemp for CBD with the Bomi Hempcut VI s is a smart step into the future. This ultralight high capacity CBD hempharvester offers you a modular step by step expandable harvest configuration. You can start to use it in the single CBD hempcut biomass configuration on your tractor. The basic frame can unload sideways directly into your trailer. The rear unloading kit including our specially designed roof conveyor enables you to feed your baler or your trailer with only one operator managing the process. The Bomi generation VI s can also be applied in the Double Cut configuration on your combine or self propelled forage harvester. Just get the needed configuration kit and you are ready to go for your next step in hemp harvest.
Over the years we have gained a lot of knowledge and experience in the field while harvesting CBD and fiber hemp.
In 2019 we have produced a series of the generation VI s. These machines have been harvesting hemp succesfully in the Netherlands, Germany, Poland, the Baltic states, Canada, Bulgaria, Czech Republic and Romania.